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The ZAMUDIO family name

The ZAMUDIO family name

From the Philippines to Mauritius

This name derives from Jean Joseph Zamudio who is believed to have been born around 1743 in Manila [Philippines],the son of Domingue Zamudio and Jeanne Sevanne. He arrived at Port Louis, the Isle of France,in 1761 on the ship ‘Industrie’ . He settled, and became a merchant, and served as a captain in the national guard. In 1768 he married Marie Chapelin, the mother of his son Michel Jean Zamudio, who had been born in 1763.

Jean Joseph died at the relatively young age of 48 in Port Louis on 27 December 1793. He is buried in the Western Cemetery, at Cassis. This historic cemetery is the last resting place of at least 14 members of the Zamudio family.

Some of the epitaphs of the earliest of these tombs of the Zamudio family are given below.


© Mauritius Mag

One Response to “The ZAMUDIO family name”

  1. Louis Cyril Zamudio says:

    As you can see my name is Zamudio, I would be grateful to you all to find the whereabouts of the tomb in Cimetier de L’Ouest,
    even the number would be enough. That will make it easy on ourselves when we come to Mauritius, to visit my other relatives buried there. My great grand father, my grand father, my father, my mother, my mother in law all buried there. Many thanks

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